How to ride a bus – 「バスの乗り方」を英語で表現 – キッズ英会話フレーズ集


How to Ride a Bus – バスの乗り方 – キッズ英会話 例文集

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レベル:英語経験3年以上の 小学生
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English Phrases, Idioms and How they sound by MyPace English
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary

How to ride a bus – バスの乗り方 を英語で表現

子供たちにとってバスは もっとも身近な公共輸送機関。 運賃の支払い方や、バス停留所での乗降を英語で表現してみよう!

到着する – get の使い方
get to the station 駅に着く
get there   そこに着く
get (to) where you’re going 向かう場所に着く
待つ – wait の使い方
Wait at a bus stop. バス停で待つ
Wait for a bus. バスを待つ


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Casual English Phrases – #571

□ It can wait. それは後回しにしてよい
ex) We should buy the tickets, but it can wait until tomorrow.
= It’s OK if we don’t buy the tickets until tomorrow.
切符を買うのは 明日まで待っても平気だ

It can wait. /ˈweɪt/: = There is no big hurry, no urgency, no rush.
ex) Here’s how to decide which payments can wait and which can’t.

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set route 決まった路線・ルート
ex) Buses have a set route that they travel on.
バスは 決まったルート上を運航する

route /ˈruːt/ : a way that someone or something regularly travels along
ex) Fixed route service operates with a set route and schedule, compared to demand response service.

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Casual English Phrases – #891

demand response (要求に応じた) 臨時の
ex) The bus company offers and supports several tailored demand response programs in the city.
そのバス会社は 需要に応じ、臨時の市内 運行プログラムを 提供します

demand /dɪˈmænd/: a forceful statement in which you say that something must be done or given to you
ex) Bus demand response service will observe these holidays on which no service will be available.

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□ intersecting routes  交差する 路線(乗り換えできる)
ex) Find a place where the routes intersect.
複数のバスルートが 交差する場所を探して

intersected roads /ˌɪntɚˈsɛkt/: If two or more lines or roads intersect, they meet or cross each other.
ex) You may transfer free between buses with intersecting routes.

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Advanced English Expressions – #413

intersect  交差する交わる横切る
ex) Subway line A intersects line B.
地下鉄 A線 は B線 と乗り入れる
= Line B is intersected by line A.
= Line A and line B intersect each other.

intersect /ˌɪntɚˈsɛkt/: to meet and cross at one or more points
ex) The two roads intersect at the edge of town.

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board 乗車する cf) get on
ex) Let the elderly board before you.
お年寄りを 先に乗せて

board /ˈboɚd/: : to get into or onto (an airplane, a bus, a train, etc.)
ex) You must have a ticket in order to board the bus.

初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

get … outを取り出す
ex) Get your fare out.

ex) Get your bus pass out.

out /ˈaʊt/ : in or to a place outside of something
ex) You usually say get off a bus. ‘Get out of‘ is much less common.

fare box 料金を入れる箱
ex) Put your cash through the slit in the fare box.
原因を 料金箱の 挿入口に 入れて

receptacle (何かを入れる)箱
ex) There is a receptacle for paying with coin.
コイン支払い用の 料金箱があります。

receptacle /rɪˈsɛptɪkəl/: a container that is used to hold something

□ ... can change … が変わる可能性がある
ex) The bus schedules can change on very short notice.
バススケジュールが 突然変更になることもある

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Casual English Phrases – #873

jump seat (バスなどの 折り畳み式)補助席
ex) Jump seats are not permitted in any school bus.
スクールバスに 折り畳み式の 補助席は 認可されない

jump seat /ˈjəm(p) ˌsēt/: an extra seat, especially in a car or taxicab, that folds back when not in use.
ex) The passenger cabin jump seats are used by the cabin crew, especially during takeoff and landing.

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current (出版物など)最新の
ex) Make sure your route planner is current.
路線スケジュール帳 が最新かどうか確認して

current /ˈkɚrənt/ : happening or existing now
ex) All printable route schedules for current bus service have been updated.

英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

handle 手すり
ex) Hold onto the poles and handles provided when standing.
立っているときは 手すりや つり革に つかまって

handle /ˈhændl̟/: a part of something that is designed to be held by your hand
ex) A suitable grab handle or rail shall be provided at the stepwell.



stepwell (バス)乗降口階段 = stairwell
ex) Do not ride in stepwell.
乗降口階段の所に (乗客は)立たないでください

stairwell /ˈsterˌwel/: a vertical shaft in which stairs are located
ex) Climbing or descending many buses’ or coaches’ stepwells is the task of an acrobat.

miss one’s stop バス停を降り過ごす
ex) I missed my stop.
バス停で 降り損ねた

stop /ˈstɑːp/ : the place where a bus or train regularly stops on a route to let passengers get on and off
ex) We may have missed our stop.

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Casual English Phrases – #880

miss the bus チャンス・機会を逃す = miss the boat
ex) Britain is in danger of missing the bus – again.
英国は 再度チャンスを見逃す 危機にある

miss the bus /ˈmɪs/: to lose an opportunity
ex) The company missed the boat with its first attempt at a computer line five years ago.

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… (バス停名) is coming up next. 次のバス停で降りる
ex) My stop is coming up next.

体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

back door 後ろの扉
ex) Go to the back door. 後ろの扉に進んで
ex) You can go out either door. (前後)どちらの扉からでも 下車できます

□ courteous   礼儀正しい
ex) Be courteous and thankful the bus driver.
バスの運転手さんに 礼儀正しく、感謝の意をこめて

courteous /ˈkɚtijəs/ : very polite in a way that shows respect
ex) The clerks were helpful and courteous.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,036

□ lurch 急に傾く揺れる逸れる
ex) The bus lurched along/down the highway.
バスが高速道路で 急に揺れた

lurch /ˈlɚtʃ/: to make a sudden sideways or forward motion
ex) The jeep lurched to a stop.

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