Playground – Park – 「公園・遊具・遊び場 」を英語で表現 を英語で表現 – キッズ英会話フレーズ集


キッズ英会話 例文集 - Playground – Park – 「公園・遊具・遊び場 」

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レベル:英語経験3年以上の 小学生
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English Phrases, Idioms and How they sound by MyPace English
courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary

Playground – Park – 「公園・遊具・遊び場 」を英語で表現

子供たちの お気に入りの公園のことや、遊具についてを英語で話して見よう!

What is the difference between a park and a playground?

Q. ParkPlayground の違いは何ですか?
A. Park は 土地や 自然が中心の公園。 Playground は 特に子供の遊具使用を 目的とした公園です。

playground (遊具中心の)公園
ex) The playground is governed primarily by local laws.
その公園は 主に 自治体のルールに基づいて 管理されている

playground /ˈpleɪˌgraʊnd/: an outdoor area where children can play that usually includes special equipment (such as swings and slides)
ex) The British playgrounds typically had less fixed play equipment than their American counterparts.

playground equipment (公園の)遊具
ex) We want some playground equipment in our backyard.

equipment /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/: supplies or tools needed for a special purpose
ex) When building a playground, it is important to make the equipment all-inclusive but also include some of the classic pieces.

seesaw シーソー
ex) Let’s play on the seesaw.

ex) Push the ground with your feet so that you go up and your friend goes down.
足で地面で蹴って 上に上がると、(シーソーの)相手は下がる

seesaw /ˈsiːˌsɑː/: a long, flat board that is balanced in the middle so that when one end goes up the other end goes down
ex) Children play on a seesaw by sitting on each of its ends and moving each other up and down by pushing off the ground with their feet.


kick up 蹴り上げる
ex) Kick your right leg up under the bar.
鉄棒の下で 右足を蹴り上げて

kick up /ˈkɪk/ : to cause (something) to rise upward
ex) The car sped away, kicking up dirt and gravel.

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roundabout (公園用の)メリーゴーランド  (米) merry-go-round
ex) A playground roundabouts a flat disk with bars on.
メリーゴーランドは 平らな円盤に 鉄のバーがついたものだ

merry–go–round /ˈmerigoʊˌraʊnd/: a large round platform that turns around in a circle and has seats and figures of animals (such as horses) on which children sit for a ride
ex) We rode the merry-go-round at the town fair.


carousel メリーゴーランド = Merry-go-round
ex) Children will love spinning round and round on the carousel while the whimsical organ plays on.
子供たちは 軽快なオルガン演奏をバックに、メリーゴーランドで くるくる回転するのが好きだ

carousel /ˌkerəˈsɛl/: merry-go-round
ex) He loves to ride on the carousel at the park.

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swing ブランコ
ex) I’m swinging on a swing.

swing set (複数のブランコが 一つのフレームでつながる)ブランコ
ex) This metal swing set is durable and customizable to fit any outdoor space.
このブランコセットは 耐久性があり、どんな屋外スペースにも 置けるように カスタマイズできる

swing /ˈswɪŋ/: a seat that hangs from ropes or chains and that moves back and forth
ex) The kids were playing on the swings.

low-hanging swing 低く設置してあるブランコ
ex) Try to find a low-hanging swing so it’s easy for your child to get on and off alone.
低く設置してあるブランコを 見つければ 子供のブランコの 乗り降りが 簡単になる

law-hanging /ˈhæŋ: especially hanging close (or relatively close) to the ground
ex) All the low-hanging fruit has been picked.

give him a push 背中を押す
ex) I gave him a push on the swing to get him started.
背中を押して ブランコを始めさせた

push /ˈpʊʃ/: an act of pushing something or someone
ex) A child sits on a swing, and you give them a push from behind so that they begin to move.

momentum 勢い
ex) The momentum carried him back and forth on the swing.
勢いがついて ブランコの上で 前後に動き出した

momentum /moʊˈmɛntəm/: the strength or force that something has when it is moving
ex) The wagon gathered/gained momentum [=it moved faster] as it rolled down the hill.

slide  滑り台(すべり台)
ex) I want to go down the slide.
滑り台で すべりたい
= I want to slide down the slide.

ex) Do you want to have one more go on the slide?
もう一回 滑り台で すべりたい?

slide /ˈslaɪd/: a structure with a slippery surface that children slide down
ex) It can be quite dangerous for a child to climb up a slide as another child is sliding down.

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jungle gym ジャングルジム
ex) Let’s play on a jungle gym!

jungle gym /ˈʤʌŋgəl/: a structure of metal bars for children to climb on
ex) When you’re done with play, simply fold up any of jungle gyms.

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Casual English Phrases – #883

monkey bars  雲梯(うんてい)
ex) I used to hang from the monkey bars.
昔 雲梯で遊んだ

monkey bars /ˈməNGkē ˌbärz/: a piece of playground equipment consisting of a horizontally mounted overhead ladder, from which children may swing
ex) I decided we could expand on the monkey bars and add two hanging bars.

skip a bar バーを一つ飛ばして進む
ex) Skipping a bar is a variation of the basic movement of the monkey bar exercise.
バーを一つ飛ばして進むこと は雲梯の 基本運動のバリエーションだ

skip /ˈskɪp/ : to move forward in a light or playful way by taking short, quick steps and jumps
ex) He’s doing monkey bars skipping.

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sandbox 砂場
ex) We recommend you cover your sandbox with lid.
砂場を 蓋でカバーする事を勧めます

sandbox /ˈsændˌbɑːks/: a low box filled with sand that children can play in
ex) How deep should a sandbox be?

adult supervision 成人による監視
ex) The playground is usually subject to adult supervision and oversight.
その公園では 監視、監督する成人の同伴が必要とされる

supervision /ˌsuːpɚˈvɪʒən/: the action or process of watching and directing what someone does or how something is done
ex) Young children need constant supervision.

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